Welcome to the first workout of the bodyweight builder program! This will be your first workout of each week.

Try to aim for the lower rep ranges to begin, as you will gradually increase your reps each week

Perform all reps and sets of each exercise before moving onto the next. Rest 1-2 mins between exercises.

The Program

Elbow Plank

As long as possible · Repeat 3 times
Work transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and obliques (all the abs)

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  • Set up for the plank by getting a mat and laying down on your stomach
  • Prop your torso up on your elbows and your feet up on your toes
  • Keeping yourself completely straight, hold this position for as long as possible
  • For maximum effectiveness, squeeze your glutes, thighs and brace your abs throughout


8-20 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves

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  • Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your knees as you press your hips back and lower yourself down, stopping when thighs are parallel with floor or slightly lower
  • Avoid leaning over too much as you go down, but also don’t try to remain too upright, just keep your chest pushed forward with your spine straight and neutral
  • Drive through the heels as you push yourself back up to a standing position for one rep

Glute Bridge

10-25 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works glutes, hamstrings and back

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  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent
  • Lift your pelvis and raise your glutes of the floor until knees, hips and shoulders are in line
  • Hold the position for a second of two and squeeze your glutes
  • Lower back down for one rep

Inverted Row

8-15 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works upper back, posterior deltoids (shoulders) and biceps

If you don’t have a suspension trainer like a TRX, you can use bars in your local workout park or gym.

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  • Grip the handles and walk your way underneath them - the further you walk under them, the harder this is, so use this as a way to manipulate the intensity of the exercise over time
  • Once you have found your ideal level of intensity, contract your core, squeeze your glutes and pull yourself up with the handles
  • Your elbows should track backward alongside and close to your body as you pull, and retract (pull back) your shoulder blades at the top
  • Slowly lower yourself back down for one rep

Push Up

8-20 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works pectorals, anterior deltoids (shoulders) and triceps

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  • Assume a pushup position with legs straight, elbows extended, and head in a neutral position looking at the floor
  • Slowly descend to the floor by retracting the shoulder blades and unlocking the elbows
  • Descend until the upper arms are parallel or your chest touches the floor
  • Push back to the starting point by extending the elbows and driving your palms into the floor