Welcome to the third day of the bodyweight builder program! This should be your third workout of each week. Rest at least a day before the previous workout.

Try to aim for the lower rep ranges to begin, as you will gradually increase your reps each week

Perform all reps and sets of each exercise before moving onto the next. Rest 1-2 mins between exercises.

The Program

Side Plank

As long as possible/side · Repeat 3 times
Works obliques (side abs)

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  • Lie on your side with your body fully extended
  • Lift your body off the ground and balance your weight between the forearm and the side of the foot
  • Keep your body in a straight line and hold for as long as you can
  • Repeat for time on both sides

Lateral Leg Raises

8-30 reps/side · Repeat 3 times
Works glute medius, hip abductors

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  • Start with head resting on arm, with one hand out in front of you or resting on your hips
  • Lift your leg up off the floor and flex your foot (toes towards body)
  • Slowly lower the leg back down
  • Repeat for the set number of reps on each side

Step Ups

8-20 reps/side · Repeat 3 times
Works quads, hamstring, glutes and calves

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  • Standing in front of a step or stable raised surface, step up with the right foot, pressing through the heel to straighten your right leg
  • Bring the left foot to meet your right foot on the top of the step
  • Bend your right knee and step back down with the left foot, then bring the right foot down to meet the left foot on the ground
  • Complete the set by doing equal reps leading with both the right and left foot in turn

Reverse Fly

8-15 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works upper back

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  • Hang back from the handles with straight arms, and the further under the handles you are the harder this will be, but you mustn’t be too far under for this exercise to be effective - a 15-20 degree angle is plenty
  • With static arms and a very subltle bend at the elbows, raise your arms out to your sides, pulling yourself up to standing in the process
  • You should feel a pinch in your shoulder blades as you pull
  • Slowly lower yourself back down, keeping your arms stiff as you do so, for one rep

Incline Push Up

8-20 reps · Repeat 3 times
Works pectorals, anterior deltoids (shoulders) and triceps

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  • Place your hands on the edge of an elevated surface - the higher the surface, the easier this will be
  • Step your feet back so your legs are straight and your arms are perpendicular to your body
  • Inhale as you slowly lower your chest to the edge of your platform, elbows tracking backward around 45 degrees
  • Pause for a second, then push back up for one rep