


Experiments to help you manage stress


Morning Sunshine

Popular Experiment!

Ensuring you get some early morning (asap upon waking) sun exposure every day may have a variety of benefits covering anxiety, sleep optimization (by assisting with melatonin production) stress reduct...

How it works

Ensuring you get some early morning (asap upon waking) sun exposure every day may have a variety of benefits covering anxiety, sleep optimization (by assisting with melatonin production) stress reduction, wakefulness and perhaps even help boost testosterone production. It appears to have two main mechanisms: 1- It triggers the healthy release of cortisol into your system, which helps wake you up and support wakefulness and focus for the rest of the day 2- It starts a timer for the onset of melatonin later that evening Popular podcaster and neuroscientist Andrew Huberman believes “that morning sunlight in your eyes should be a non-negotiable thing 360 days of the year”.


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