HemanthLost 57 pounds and improved cardiovascular fitness in 10 months
Hemanth, based in New York, became a healthier, fitter and lighter version of himself in the 9 months he has been on Gyroscope X. With help from his coach, Jolene, Hemanth shed 57 pounds, 12.4% bodyfat, and also increased his VO2 Max by 8.7 points. Last year's focus was reaching a healthy weight through intermittent fasting, better nutrition, improved sleep and fitness. This year's focus is building muscle and continuing to improve his sleep habits.
“ Gyroscope X will pay dividends in how you achieve your health goals.”

Hemanth's overall health score inscreased from a low 61 to a high average of 80 in the last year on X, representing a 20 year boost in estimated longevity.
Health Snapshot
- CoachJolene
- Starting weight224lbs/101.6kg
- Starting bodyfat32.05%
- Current weight167 lbs/75.90kg
- Current bodyfat20.04%
- Weight lost on X57lbs/16.34kg
- Bodyfat lost on X12.4%
- Devices UsediPhone, Oura, Withings Scale
“ X's food logging feature, using photographs, was frictionless and helped me continue my tracking streak. This has been the longest I have ever tracked food on a consistent basis.”
Hemanth lost over 57 pounds and 12.4% bodyfat since starting on X in March 2020
Personal Roadmap
Auditing and optimizing how much (and which types of) amino acids to improve lean muscle mass.
Getting used to exercising regularly and increasing gradually over the month. Tips, tricks and hacks for getting all the exercise at home.
Mindful Eating
Getting more enjoyment from food and revisiting how you think about dieting.
Sleep Optimization
Tracking and optimizing everything about sleep, especially heart rate, HRV, temperature, and evening routine.
Starting a mindfulness routine and trying different techniques to calm the mind.
Building Muscle
Working on at-home body weight workouts to build muscle.
“ I have been running faster during my weekly runs and I feel like I have more energy than before, even though I have been controlling my diet.”

Hemanth before starting Gyroscope Coach
Interview with Hemanth
What are some of the changes you've made with X that have led to your success?
Using the intermittent fasting tracker was one of the biggest factors for my weight loss. X's food logging feature, using photographs, was frictionless and helped me continue my tracking streak. This has been the longest I have ever tracked food on a consistent basis. This allowed me to see my overall intake on a longer time horizon and make the necessary adjustments to increase my fasting hours.
Hemanth took photos of all his food, which were analyzed automatically by the nutrition team and provided his coach Jolene with detailed metrics to give feedback on.
“ I liked my coach Jolene because her specific guidance led to a strong foundation for sustained loss, as well as maintaining that discipline.”

Hemanth maintained a 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule over the last year guided by his coach
What is special about your experience with your coach?
Jolene has been awesome as my coach. She has been providing very good feedback and helping me tweak my intake accordingly. More importantly, she has provided a lot of recommendations and useful insights based on my eating and exercise style of which some of them have now become a habit.
I also like the insight history section where I go back to review Jolene's recommendations in order to build good habits. Jolene is also helping me to be more goal oriented in terms of approach rather than focusing on metrics based on tracking data.
Jolene (his coach) at a fitness competition.
Why did you choose your specific coach?
I liked Jolene because her specific guidance on approach lead to a strong foundation for sustained loss, as well as maintaining that discipline. She has the right approach that works for me - nudging in the right direction when I falter, plus providing valuable weekly insights.
Last year's focus was on weight loss through dieting and intermittent fasting. This year the focus is on muscle building and home-workouts. Jolene has given me great advice on how to create an exercise routine at home when we can't go to the gym so easily.
“ The food and sleep tracking has been the most integral part of my success.”

What features of Gyroscope have been the most integral to your success?
The food and sleep tracking has been the most integral part of my success. The ease of use around food tracking has led me to review by current intake and look at how I am trending in the categories.
Hemanth's average Resting Heart Rate lowered from above 70 to a healthy average of 50 bpm, indicating improved fitness and reduced inflammation and disease risk.
Has X been helpful for your fitness goals?
Yes. I have been running faster during my weekly runs and I feel like I have more energy than before, even though I have been controlling my diet.
Hemanth's VO2 Max increased significantly on X, which is a powerful marker for strength and cardiovascular fitness. Gyroscope measures VO2Max automatically when you go running or cycling with an Apple Watch.
What would you say to people who may be on the fence about X?
X has a number of tools and strategies to allow you to manage your health and wellness goals. From having interesting methods for developing a quantified self, to a sounding board with your coach, to getting personalized advice. This will pay dividends in how you achieve your health goals.