
Case Study


Down 21lbs and 4.7% bodyfat, improved sleep and more lean muscle

Jesse, based in Alabama, has been using X for over 480 days and lost 21lbs and 4.7% bodyfat. His sleep improved from a 7 hour to 8 hour average, he gained lean muscle mass and boosted his overall health and mood. Building quality habits over time with the support of his coach, Aaron, and staying consistent has led Jesse to a healthier and happier version of himself.

I've enjoyed my time with X, and it has led to a holistic improvement of my health.

Health Snapshot

  • CoachAaron
  • Starting weight185lbs/84kg
  • Starting bodyfat21%
  • Current weight164lbs/74kg
  • Current bodyfat17.3%
  • Weight lost on X21lbs/9.5kg
  • Bodyfat lost on X4.7%
  • Devices UsedApple Watch

Jesse's bodyfat decreased from 21% and fell to 16.60%, then rising slightly to 17.4% as he put on muscle mass, during the last year on X

Jesse's weight decreased from 185lbs to 162lbs, then rose to the latest average of 164lbs as he put on muscle mass.

I'm much more aware of the choices I make daily - concerning my nutrition, exercise, and meditation.

Personal Roadmap


Resistance Training

Monitoring exercises, reps, sets, weights and progressions for muscle growth and efficient workout strategy.


Nutrition with a focus on performance

Refueling properly and using healthy eating, timing, and supplements as tools to reach peak performance.


Muscle Building

Building muscle by increasing calories and resistance training. Sleep and recovery will be a heavy focus during this time.


Mindful Eating and Nutrition

4-week mini-cut, maintaining activity but decreasing food intake to decrease body fat and resensitize body to anabolic signaling.


Mindset and Mood

Improving mental health through meditation, daily gratitude practices, looking at habits and relationships.

I'm the type of person who doesn't want to disappoint people and having that interaction and direct feedback from Aaron, my coach, has helped me immensely.

Interview with Jesse

What makes X so special?

I would say the real accountability is what makes X so unique. I had previously started with the standard subscription, and it was great to see all of my data and the trends that I had. But an app can't "guilt you" (in a positive way, of course) into maintaining my goals. I'm the type of person who doesn't want to disappoint people and having that interaction and direct feedback from Aaron, my coach, has helped me immensely.

What has changed with your body or lifestyle since starting on X?

I'd say a good way to sum up my lifestyle changes is awareness. I'm much more aware of the choices I make daily - concerning my nutrition, exercise, and meditation. Seeing everything in the reports lays out most things about my life, and it makes it gives me awareness when I need to make adjustments. I like the Google Chrome extension because it gives me an overview of my day whenever I'm on my laptop. 

Coach Aaron on Gyroscope Coach

Why did you choose your specific coach? 

I chose my coach mainly because of his focus on mindset. While strength and muscle building are both very important to me, really having the right mindset and attitude towards change is something I needed to make lasting adjustments.

Jesse's sleep average increased from 7 hours to an 8 hour average over the last year.

Were there any specific aspects of your health your coach was most helpful with? 

My sleep has definitely improved. Aaron and Gyroscope Coach really hit home on the importance of a good sleep schedule. Seeing my health score drop after only a bad night or two of sleep was really motivating. And yes, my fitness has improved. I'm working out more and really fitting it into my schedule. I really enjoy the health score for getting an overall checkup on how I'm doing.

What section of your roadmap did you find most helpful for your goals?

The "Mindset and Mood" section, has been the most helpful in achieving my goals. Aaron is big on consistency, and that's really stuck with me. Each individual health-related decision I make does not matter nearly as much as the overall trends and consistency. An unhealthy meal one day won't matter, but make it a habit, and it will have huge impacts. 

What would you say to people who may be on the fence about X?

I'd say to give X a shot and be open-minded. The comprehensive nature of X's data truly sets it apart. And having my coach evaluate all of my metrics is something I've never seen at a consumer level before. I've enjoyed my time with X, and it has led to a holistic improvement of my health.